In this section we will introduce our family – our team members, trainers, interns and supporters. Here we share stories about our learnings, the challenges we come across and our growth. So that you really get to know us and understand our drive, expertise and what makes our teamwork unique.
Today, we will take you on a journey about organisational changes towards ISA’s ambition to become a global network of independent organisations sharing the same vision regarding the potential of youth.
Decentralising to West and East Africa
ISA was founded in 2012 and was built upon a 15-year track record experience in sport for development across the globe. ISA has gone through significant changes ever since. In 2017 ISA shifted its programmatic focus: from Sports for Development (SfD) towards Positive Youth Development (PYD) through sports.
About one year later, ISA started a process of decentralisation. For example, we start building a pool of trainers in all the regions we work, who can train new coaches and facilitators, instead of trainers travelling from the Netherlands to the countries we work.
In addition, ISA started to build regional teams and organisations in East and West Africa (Kenya and Mali), with support of ISA Netherlands. This also means that the Dutch officer has a smaller team and had to change from a steering to a more facilitating role.
This process involves trial and error. And we put so much effort into it, as at ISA, we believe and embrace the power of local commitment as well as decision-making and leadership in our regions about the work we do. This change of direction was a deliberate strategic decision, in line with the international development movement of Shifting the Power*. In this way we are able to make more impact, reaching more young people, and creating a future with and for them.
A global network organisation
And look where we are now!
ISA currently is growing into a global network organisation with youth empowerment programmes in East Africa, Europe, Middle East & North Africa and West Africa, whereby the implementation is decentralised. ISA East Africa is about to be legally registered as a local NGO. And ISA West Africa is in the transition from a registered representing NGO to a local NGO.
In addition, ISA has grown over the years into an international family of over 25 team members.
A vast majority of our staff have grown through our programmes, and so they know best what ISA can bring to the world to empower young people.
And together with our network of over 30 local partner organisations and their coaches, we work – day in day out – to empower young people in their communities.
That is why we invest in professional and independent local ISA organisations across the globe.
Do you want to become an ISA family member?
Leave a message here if interested to become part of ISA, as a local partner organisation in one of our regions or as a volunteer, intern, or (financial) supporter.